AtlasRFID Store

Founded in 2008, atlasRFIDstore is a trusted source in the RFID hardware industry. We are a global retailer providing customers a secure, one-stop location where you can buy RFID components for your own systems and applications.

atlasRFIDstore sells name-brand products in virtually every RFID hardware category, so you can build cost-effective RFID solutions across a variety of verticals. We have customers all around the globe and ship products worldwide.

The atlasRFIDstore team focuses on creating the absolute best customer service experience and works with you to select the right RFID equipment for your systems. Our sales engineers are highly trained in the field of RFID and are ready to answer your questions, big and small. While we may not immediately have an answer, we'll diligently work for you to find a solution.

Contact our Sales and Support team